Friday, 2 December 2016

Rogue Trader Imperium Force #3: Exorcists Chapter - Tech Space Marine

Next addition is a Tech Marine. The backpack is a fusion of a 90s backpack and some later Adeptus Mechanicus bit.

Never understood why the tech marines have a hand shoulder pad. Anyone knows why?


Exorcists Chapter - Rogue Trader Tech Space Marine

Exorcists Chapter - Rogue Trader Tech Space Marine

Exorcists Chapter - Rogue Trader Tech Space Marine

Exorcists Chapter - Rogue Trader Tech Space Marine

Exorcists Chapter - Rogue Trader Tech Space Marine

Exorcists Chapter - Rogue Trader Tech Space Marine

Exorcists Chapter - Rogue Trader Tech Space Marine


  1. It's not even fair how good this looks!

  2. Too good to be true. Eavy your heart out :)

  3. Just brilliant, the techno arm might be lacking a joint to be of use but screw that, it looks fabulous really.
    I think many of us have wondered why the hand on the shoulder...

    1. Its really a good question for which I have no answer...It is interesting that the line art for Tech marines of the Chaos Marine Legions presented in Slaves to Darkness also have the hand Shoulder pad...

    2. Thanks!
      I tried to find an answer looking in rogue trader and other publications of the time but have found nothing concrete. They seem to have a stronger affiliation to the Iron Hands chapter which might be a clue. Not deceive though....

  4. Could it be something to do with manual dexterity,manipulation fixing stuff?

    1. Could be. Its quite a monstrous hand though so not sure.

  5. It was their "symbol" to denote their techie status. Maybe as some sort of "utility" marine, so thereby being "handy"? ^_^

    Wonderful work that will be a smashing addition. I like the addition of the newer style backpack.

  6. Absolutely wonderful.
    Can't say the exact reason, but the hand is the Tech Marines emblem in RT, though it was lost in subsequent editions. You can find some pics with a kinda stylised (usually white or yellow) hand painted on different parts of Techmarines. Curious about the reason though!

    1. Thanks Suber!
      You are most likely right. Its definitely their symbol. But as you say - why?


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