Sunday, 9 October 2016

Nurgle Army Update: A few WIP


Some work in progress stuff for my Nurgle Army. Its the Army Leader on his Carnivorous Bird (finished building it), the Army Standard and the Zombie Dragon.

  • The Standard is made of the wings from a Citadel DRAG4 Great Fire Dragon - had a extra pair of wings :)
  • The Carnivorous Bird is from the Citadel C29 Monster Series with some bits and green stuff added. On the base is a Citadel Familiar and an Ant from the Citadel C29 Creepy Crawlies series.
  • The Army Leader uses a Chaos Knight Leg and Right Shoulder/Arm, Great Unclean One Left Arm, Blood hound torso mid 90s version (all Citadel) and then some other bits and pieces and green stuff.

Nurgle Army WIP
A few more detailed shots of the Army Leader (Here is the first post of it - LINK). I used quite a lot of liquid green stuff to create texture especially since some bits are plastic and are too "clean" for my taste. There are a few more chains added to the bird head as well after I took the photos to hold up the extra jaws.

Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader Carnivorous Bird
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader Carnivorous Bird
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader Carnivorous Bird
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader Carnivorous Bird
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader Carnivorous Bird
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader
Nurgle Army WIP: Army Leader
That's all


  1. Wow. That's very good. Regards, Karl

  2. Wow! That looks absolutely fantastic.....and it's not even painted yet!

    Can't wait to see it finished Don :)

    1. Thanks! Working on the banner at the moment and planning to post some more WIP of it shortly.

  3. Always such a pleasure to see updates from this place, pushing the awesome to 11 !

    1. Thanks Asslessman!
      Always nice with a Spinal Tap reference as well :)

  4. Love the conversions, but the work in creating the carnivoruous bird into a mount looks stunning!

    1. Thanks Stuart! It took quite a while in figuring out how to create the saddle so it look all right and also fitted the rider snuggly

  5. wow! These look wonderful, as usual. You have such an extraordinary imagination. I can't wait to see it finished and painted!

  6. Stunning. I love what you've done with the bird.

  7. It all looks fantastic. Love the standard.


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