Sunday, 28 July 2013

Nurgle Warband Update: Warrior and a thought...

Next one is a Chaos Warrior - also this one with a oriental twist. A bit of Mongol I think. I guess his name Chengis Crump points in the same direction.

Mongol Chaos Warrior: Chengis Crump

Progress has been a bit slow lately - the weather has been absolutely great so sitting indoors has not really bin an option. A few things is lined up though:

Warband Work in Progress: Two Warriros, one Thug,
Helwud (as Thug leader) and a Marauder

A thought: 

I am about to paint Helwud and did some browsing on the internet to find some information about him and his brother. I came across a great article on RoC80s (link) about Malal and learned that the colors of Malal is black and white. Hmmm - most interesting...

Am I possessed by Malal? Was my idea with painting black and white shields forced upon me by the most evil of the dark gods?

An idea am considering is going Malal with the warband/army. As I haven't really painted the minis in a very Nurglish way I think the only obstacle is me making up my mind. I have to think about this...we'll see

Am I possesed by Malal?


  1. Well, Malal's colours are black and white but if I remember right, Jaek and Elwud are Khorne worshippers and Kaleb Daark's arch nemesis. On another hand, they are so close to their "blues" counterparts that I couldn't resist painting mine black.

    Chengis is excellent by the way but you knew that didn't you? ;)


    1. Yes - that is true. Didn't think of that. However, if I would go with Malal I am prepared to ignore that :)

      I read your post about the chaos brother and you are definitely on to something - they do resemble the blues brother. The blues brothers are called Jack and Elwood and the chaos brothers Jaek and Helwud...hardy a coinsidence.


    2. "hey do resemble the blues brother. The blues brothers are called Jack and Elwood and the chaos brothers Jaek and Helwud...hardy a coinsidence"

      ...and that's exactly what Tzeentch wants you to think heh.

    3. That tzeentch guy - always gets into the way...


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