Saturday, 25 January 2014

40k Warbands: Asgard Trimotes and Cyborg

Finally some paint splashed!

Started out my 40k warbands with the Asgard Trimote Warriors (Trimote with Power Armour) and Cyborg War Machine. 

Asgard Trimote Warriors (Trimote with Power Armour) and
Cyborg War Machine

It's hard to find info and images of the old Asgard SF minis. Found this pic in WD 7 of two Trimotes:

Asgard Trimotes in White Dwarf 7

The blog Dear Tony Blair has some great posts of these beauties. This is one of them: LINK

Prepped, primed and ready to go

/Don Hans

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

It was my best hobby year since the 80s!

Don't write too much in my posts. Never been must for writing. Painting though is someonething I done in different forms my entire life and can't live without. There are a few things I would like to say about the past year though:

It was my best hobby year since the 80s!

The reasons for this are:

  • I discovered in early spring there were a lot of great blogs and bloggers out there sharing my interest in the old-school stuff. From eBay I knew you were out there but never ran into anyone.
  • I started my own blog. Reading my first post you can tell it wasn't very ambitious to start with. However, the fun just increased.
  • You actually visited my blog and wrote interesting and encouraging comments. There is a great spirit in our community. I don't think I have ever seen an unfriendly word being written. A bit rate looking around the internet.
  • All this got me very inspired and a lot of painting was done. Also manged to develop the painting as well - hugely rewarding. The main project was my Fantasy Chaos Army which started out as a Warband project which started out with painting a single Sorcerer. A few other bits and pieces got done as well and my 40k Khorne Warband was silly fun to do.

My cabinet with most of the 2013 miniatures

Thank you very much all writers, readers and fellow hobbyists!

I have no idea what 2014 will bring. The intention is of course to finish the Chaos army and as mentioned in last post, do a few more 40k warbands. Would be nice with a bit of gaming with my creations as well and going to Oldhammer day 2014 is in the plan.

Speaking of 40k warbands. This is a Nurgle Squat I made somewhere in the first half on the 90's for a warband I created back then. A project never finished

Nurgle Squat I made somewhere
in the first half on the 90's

See you in 2014/Hans

Monday, 13 January 2014


Been a while since I posted anything (2 months) and must confess it has been just about as much hobby as well. I.e. very little. Have done a few half-completed minis to the Beast unit, a FF49 Giant Spider, a c38 beastman that didn't work out at all and prepped a few others.

A little too much of work and a quite a lot of travelling and I guess I also just lost the inspiration for a while. This is quite typical for me. A very intense period followed by nothing followed by something followed by something else...

I am planning to start another project in parallel to my Chaos Fantasy army. Continue on my 40K Khorne warband (this post: LINK) and also start an Imperial warband. 

The first I plan to do is an Imperial Robot seen in the picture below. The color-scheme I think will be a dark yellow with a black spiked pattern. Will do a quite worn look as well (keen to paint in a different style/way than the Chaos Fantasy Army)

Will probably use different minis than the once below. Would like a robotic and armored gang (I think) and the Minotaur are definitely going into a chaos warband. 

40k Imperial warband

The my 40K Khorne warband I will add a Dreadnought to start with.

40K Khorne warband

I have a few of the old Asgard sci-fi creatures (Trimote Warriors & Orts) and will probably do a warband or two of these as well.

Asgard sci-fi creatures: Trimotes 

Asgard sci-fi creatures: Orts lead here by a Robot

Hope to show something finished in not too long. Might do a post with some very old stuff of mine while I'm gearing up again

/Don Hans

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