Wednesday 3 August 2022

Nurgle Army Update: Army Standard Bearer

Finally finished my Army standard bearer. Started all the way back in 2014 (LINK). Might need to speed up my process a bit 😁

It's a C38 Beastman and the wings from a the DRAG4 Great Fire Dragon. The banner pole is green stuff

The motive on the banner is based on an illustration by (I think) Stephen Tappin. The back is just a simplified Nurgle Icon. Went with a black and white theme to fit in with the shield designs of the army

Hope you enjoy

Nurgle Army Standard Bearer

Nurgle Army Standard Bearer

Nurgle Army Standard Bearer

Nurgle Army Standard Bearer

Nurgle Army Standard Bearer

Nurgle Army Standard Bearer

Saturday 25 June 2022

Rogue Trader Imperial Guard

Painted an Imperial Guard and a Commisar and gave the Commisar a couple of bionic limps.

Might turn out to be a new chapter with the tiger pattern. Sticking with the classic grey though. 

Hope you enjoy!

Rogue Trader Imperial Guard and Commisar

Rogue Trader Imperial Guard and Commisar

Saturday 18 June 2022

Nurgle Army Update: Kegox

Been working on this one on and off for quite a while. A bit more work with getting the Nurglings properly seated and figure out what to do with the wings (which I'm not a big fan off). Then off to painting .... in a few years :)

Went with making the base a bit of a diorama with a defeated dwarf and some taunting Nurglings.

Interesting story behind it:

Hope you enjoy!


Citadel NB2 Kegox by Nick Bibby

Citadel NB2 Kegox by Nick Bibby

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