Saturday, 18 April 2015

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon


A really cool mini the Chaos Demon from he Citadel C22 Creatures series. Added a newer creatures to the base as well (not sure where it comes from).

This was the first time I ever used a wet palette. I really like it. What I like is the convenience of the paint not drying up constantly. I used the excellent instructions by Asslessman which made me realize how simple it was to create one. So if you are interested check out his post at:

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon
And an ad from back in the days:1



  1. He is positively nauseating.
    Great work, (as always) your army must be a real treat to look through now!

    1. Thanks 24_Cigarettes!
      Yes - the army is taking shape...slowly.

  2. Great paintjob Hans! One of my favourite figs. You don't see many of him painted up.

    1. Thanks Ed!
      Quite rare to see painted indeed. That's one of the fun things I think with painting the older stuff. To give them some deserved attention.

  3. Never seen this chap before so this is a double treat! I wants the Giant Snail very much. Hopefully Otherworld or some other company will do a contemporary version which won't cost the earth...

    1. Thanks Gaz!
      The whole C22 is fantastic I think. One of my favorites. Great sculpts. Got the giant snail painted over here:


  4. Excellently creepy model, your blending game sure is up there.

  5. Great job, Hans. A very chaotic demon, indeed.

    Thanks for the Wet palette link. Been meaning to try one for the longest time.

  6. Thanks for the plug Hans !
    Th emore I see this model painted th emore I realise how creepy it is. this is one hell of a good version and the modern addition at its feet blendsi n just perfectly !
    The more restricted palette (than your usual) works really well to give some realism to the otherwise really weird sculpt.

    1. And thank you for the instructions - LOVE IT!!!!
      Well, it's not as restricted as it seems - the photo took away quite a lot of he colors (and messed up the face) :)

  7. Wet palettes are the best. Changed the way I paint. My favorite thing to do is to mix up my base color, then mix up my final highlight in a nearby puddle, then connect the two with my brush to create a gradient that represents all the intermediate layers. It makes it really easy to go back and modify areas where the blending needs to be fixed. Great for working on skintones as well...

    I made mine using a kid's pencil box, a sham-wow, and some baking parchment. I can store tubes of paint and brushes in it when it's not in use... all in all quite handy.

    1. Good advice Mattias. Still playing around with it.

  8. That's beautiful. Well, not beautiful, but you get my drift. Glorious colour scheme.


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