Sunday 17 May 2020

That's Epic! Space Wolf Imperial Battle Titan

Space Wolf Epic Imperial Battle Titan equipped with the metal titan accessories:

Barrage Missile Launcher
Titan Head 5
Carapace Multi-Lasers
Devotional Bell

Space Wolf Epic Imperial Battle Titan

Space Wolf Epic Imperial Battle Titan

Space Wolf Epic Imperial Battle Titan

Space Wolf Epic Imperial Battle Titan

Space Wolf Epic Imperial Battle Titan

Space Wolf Epic Imperial Battle Titan

Space Wolf Epic Imperial Battle Titan

Thursday 14 May 2020

That's Epic! Ork Army

Hello again

Have been painting a lot since last post. However not miniatures but flat surfaces (also know as art). You can check it out on Instagram (LINK) - @hanslgl

Well, have done a bit of miniature painting though recently and continued on my Epic Ork army I started in the early 90's (2nd edition Epic). Worked on this army on and off since then. Did a repainting some years ago of the bases of the older stuff I pained to unify the look

And here it is:

The Army

 Evil Sunz Slasha Gargant

Evil Sunz Epic Ork Slasha Gargant
Evil Sunz Epic Ork Slasha Gargant
Evil Sunz Epic Ork Slasha Gargant
Evil Sunz Epic Ork Slasha Gargant
Evil Sunz Epic Ork Slasha Gargant

Bad Moon Great Gargant

Bad Moon Epic Ork Great Gargant
Bad Moon Epic Ork Great Gargant
Bad Moon Epic Ork Great Gargant
Bad Moon Epic Ork Great Gargant
Bad Moon Epic Ork Great Gargant

Snake Bite Skull Hamma

Snake Bite Epic Ork Skull Hamma
Snake Bite Epic Ork Skull Hamma

Snake Bite Epic Ork Brain Crusha

Snake Bite Epic Ork Brain Crusha

Snake Bite Squiggoth

Snake Bite Epic Ork Squiggoth

Mek Boy Speedstas

Mek Boy Epic Ork Speedstas - Destrukta Rokkits Turret
Mek Boy Epic Ork Speedstas - Bubble Chukka Turret
Mek Boy Epic Ork Speedstas - Kustom Cannon

Cult of Speed Nob Warbike

Cult of Speed Epic Ork Nob Warbike

Bad Moon Nobs

Bad Moon Epic Ork Nobs

Bad Moon Dreadnought

Bad Moon Epic Ork Dreadnought

 Bad Moon Wierdboy Battle Tower

Bad Moon Epic Ork Wierdboy Battle Tower

Bad Moon Shock Attack Gun

Bad Moon Epic Ork Shock Attack Gun

Death Skull Mekboy Pulsa Rocket

Death Skull Epic Ork Mekboy Pulsa Rocket

Death Skull Hop Splat Field Gun

Death Skull Epic Ork Hop Splat Field Gun

 Goff Skull Gut Rippa

Goff Skull Epic Ork Gut Rippa

Until next time!

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