Saturday 5 December 2015

40k Nurgle ... something and the 100th post!

Really gotten myself back in a painting frenzy - one weird mini a week is good for your health as they say.

Finished the dude from this post. Not sure what it is. A dreadnought, a walker, a heavily mutated marine, a robot, a demon, a cyborg?

Let's go with Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg!

The Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg is all bitz and not a single grain of green stuff so lets check it out:
  • Torso: Plastic Space Marine (newer edition)
  • Back pack: Old Chaos Space Marine backpack with a raven from (I think) plastic citadel giant
  • Torso Icon: Nurgle symbol from don't know where
  • Right arm: 40k Epic Reaver Titan Weapon. The Turbo-Laser Destructor (yes - that's what it's actually called and hence the name of the dude). This is a proper old-school conversion bit!
  • Left Arm: From the newly Nurgle Blight Kings kit. Some seriously good bits in here
  • Left Arm/Shoulder (the bit between the torso and arm): Eye from a Culexus Assassin- the late 90's version
  • Legs: Buffalo skeleton (not sure the make)
  • Head: Think it's Forgeworld
  • Neck: Some nice tubing bit

And here's the pics! First one is a group shot of the little warband so far.

And that would be the 100th post so hope you'll enjoy, thanks for all your comments, stopping byes and for making our community something truly enjoyable!!!


Nurgle Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg and friends

Nurgle Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg

Nurgle Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg

Nurgle Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg

Nurgle Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg

Nurgle Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg

Nurgle Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg

Nurgle Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg

Nurgle Demon Turbo Destructor Cyborg

Sunday 29 November 2015

40k Nurgle Renegade

Another Nurgle Renegade. Well, it's actually a Tzeentch one but thought it worked well as Nurgle. A WIP photo in the end.


Sunday 22 November 2015

40k Nurgle Renegades WIP


Having fun at the moment with some more renegades. These are the next additions coming up.

Had a lot of fun with the one in the middle. Wasn't sure what to make when I stared but decided to go for weird :)

Hope you enjoy!

Saturday 14 November 2015

40k Nurgle Renegade

Got a bit bored with my Chaos army so will take a break from it. This got my attention toward the wonderful Rogue Trader era Chaos Renegades.

There's a few others on the blog as well but this is the last one:

Hope you enjoy!


Sunday 11 October 2015

Chaos Warrior and Chaos Thug Standard Bearer

Chaos Warrior and Chaos Thug Standard Bearer:

Lägg till bilNurgle Army / Warband: Chaos Warrior

Nurgle Army / Warband: Chaos Thug Standard Bearer

Sunday 20 September 2015

Citadel Fantasy Tribe FTT1 / C20 Troll

This is one of the earlier trolls from Citadel. Originally released in 1981 as part of the Fantasy Tribe series - FTT. This one being FFT1. A few years later as the first C20 trolls.

Added a piece of bone of the end of the club.

On the base you can also see an old Asgard miniature. The FM80 Centipede from the Fantasy Monsters series.

Hope you enjoy!

Citadel Fantasy Tribe FTT1 / C20 Troll

The ads:


Friday 11 September 2015

Citadel C38 Chaos Beastman: The Foxman

Been a while...

Well, done a bit of painting though and here is one of them. The Foxman from the Citadel pre-slotta C38 beastmen series. A small cat familiar of unknown brand on the base as well.

Hope you enjoy!

Citadel C38 Chaos Beastman: The Foxman 

Citadel C38 Chaos Beastman: The Foxman

Saturday 6 June 2015

Unit WIP

Not much painting at the moment so just sharing a photo of the unit where most of the recent once will join.


Sunday 10 May 2015

Nurgle Army: A few W.I.P.

A nurgle army needs a Great Unclean One - don't you think?

So here's one that's prepped and ready to be primed.

Working on it's base as well - soooo much fun.

Prepping a Demon as well from the Citadel C34 - Elementals and Demons series:

That's all

Sunday 3 May 2015

Ninefingers finished!

It 's a Citadel C28 Giant with Huge Axe and Pinhead head with the addition of a Giant Snake from Asgards Fantasy Monsters series (FM25).

Put in a lot of effort into this one (realized now that I forgot the nose ring) and am really happy. It changes color quite a few times from blue to reddish via purple to more greenish. 

A late addition was the snake. Realized its shape worked with the base. Unfortunately it doesn't touch the ground properly for that reason. Not the end of the world but annoying. Will see what I can do about it.

Citadeö C28 Giant with Asgard FM25 Giant Snake

An early WIP:

C28 Giant WIP

The old ads:

Thanks! /Hans

Saturday 18 April 2015

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon


A really cool mini the Chaos Demon from he Citadel C22 Creatures series. Added a newer creatures to the base as well (not sure where it comes from).

This was the first time I ever used a wet palette. I really like it. What I like is the convenience of the paint not drying up constantly. I used the excellent instructions by Asslessman which made me realize how simple it was to create one. So if you are interested check out his post at:

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon
And an ad from back in the days:1


Saturday 11 April 2015

Minotaur Lord: Leader of the Beastmen

The Minotaur Lord is now finished.

It will be the leader of the first Beast/Beastmen unit. This is a really great sculpt (nice change to a lot of other stuff I paint) and was pure joy to paint. The size and weight was a bit tricky though. More used to the "standard size" stuff.

I tweaked the position of the body and head a bit to give it a more charging appearance.

I'm especially happy with the back (second photo) where the colors and definitions really worked out better than expected.

Hope you like it.

Citadel Minotaur Lord
Citadel Minotaur Lord
Citadel Minotaur Lord
Citadel Minotaur Lord


Monday 6 April 2015

Nurgle Army Update!

2 post within 4 days - oyeah!

Spent much of the Eastern holidays painting miniatures so got quite a lot done.

First of is an update to one of the cavalry minis. It was a quite poor and lazy conversion that I didn't like (original here). Just a claw attached to the side of the rider.

The new conversion work a lot better with a bunch of tentacles coming out of his lower back (ASS) and following his flowing mantle. Also kept the painting is a similar light pastel look.

The components are an Undead Cavalry horse and a solid base C33 Mounted Adventurer Rider (the Rogue) and tentacles from the plastic Chaos spawn kit (all Citadel).

Nurgle Army / Warband: Converted Cavarly

Next of is a two WIPs.

To the left is a C28 Giant. Ninefingers with Huge Axe and Pinhead head and to the right a Minotaur Lord with its base in the middle. This last one will be the leader of one of the Beastmen units.

Nurgle Army / Warband: Work in Progress

Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for stopping by!

Friday 3 April 2015

Asgard Miniatures - Creature of Chaos: CC7 Four Fang


A great old mini from Asgard's series Creature of Chaos: CC7 Four Fang.

Well and the little Werefox from Citadel C22 Creature series.

Asgard Miniatures - Creature of Chaos: CC7 Four Fang
Citadel Miniatures - C22 Creatures: Werefox

Hope you enjoy!

Friday 20 February 2015

An Imperial Guard Commissar

First non-Chaos painted in ages :)

An Imperial Guard Commissar - hope you enjoy!

Citadel 40k: Imperial Guard Commissar

Citadel 40k: Imperial Guard Commissar

Next up is an Eldar Harlequin. A WIP shot below.

Citadel 40k: Eldar Harlequin W.I.P.

That's all for now - have a great weekend (I will painting my Harlequin)
/Don Hans

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