Saturday 18 April 2015

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon


A really cool mini the Chaos Demon from he Citadel C22 Creatures series. Added a newer creatures to the base as well (not sure where it comes from).

This was the first time I ever used a wet palette. I really like it. What I like is the convenience of the paint not drying up constantly. I used the excellent instructions by Asslessman which made me realize how simple it was to create one. So if you are interested check out his post at:

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon

Citadel C22 Creatures: Chaos Demon
And an ad from back in the days:1


Saturday 11 April 2015

Minotaur Lord: Leader of the Beastmen

The Minotaur Lord is now finished.

It will be the leader of the first Beast/Beastmen unit. This is a really great sculpt (nice change to a lot of other stuff I paint) and was pure joy to paint. The size and weight was a bit tricky though. More used to the "standard size" stuff.

I tweaked the position of the body and head a bit to give it a more charging appearance.

I'm especially happy with the back (second photo) where the colors and definitions really worked out better than expected.

Hope you like it.

Citadel Minotaur Lord
Citadel Minotaur Lord
Citadel Minotaur Lord
Citadel Minotaur Lord


Monday 6 April 2015

Nurgle Army Update!

2 post within 4 days - oyeah!

Spent much of the Eastern holidays painting miniatures so got quite a lot done.

First of is an update to one of the cavalry minis. It was a quite poor and lazy conversion that I didn't like (original here). Just a claw attached to the side of the rider.

The new conversion work a lot better with a bunch of tentacles coming out of his lower back (ASS) and following his flowing mantle. Also kept the painting is a similar light pastel look.

The components are an Undead Cavalry horse and a solid base C33 Mounted Adventurer Rider (the Rogue) and tentacles from the plastic Chaos spawn kit (all Citadel).

Nurgle Army / Warband: Converted Cavarly

Next of is a two WIPs.

To the left is a C28 Giant. Ninefingers with Huge Axe and Pinhead head and to the right a Minotaur Lord with its base in the middle. This last one will be the leader of one of the Beastmen units.

Nurgle Army / Warband: Work in Progress

Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for stopping by!

Friday 3 April 2015

Asgard Miniatures - Creature of Chaos: CC7 Four Fang


A great old mini from Asgard's series Creature of Chaos: CC7 Four Fang.

Well and the little Werefox from Citadel C22 Creature series.

Asgard Miniatures - Creature of Chaos: CC7 Four Fang
Citadel Miniatures - C22 Creatures: Werefox

Hope you enjoy!

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